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No more desperate quests for a quiet corner! No more acrobatics on overly soiled toilet seats, GoGirl is a urinal for women. Easy to use, discreet, it is now possible to urinate while standing ladies! TUTORIEL
In StockDID YOU KNOW THAT THE FEMALE CONDOM HAS BEEN IN FACT FOR MORE THAN A CENTURY? Indeed, it was at the beginning of this century that the female condom, called "the Practice", was invented. Marketed in 1992 in the United States under the name Fémidom®, it appeared in Europe, particularly in England, a few years later thanks to the initiative of the TERPAN...
In StockAstucup, the anti-cellulite, anti-orange peel suction cup Available in 2 sizes: diameter 5.5cm (size S) / diameter 7cm (size M) Color: Pink and Purple available in size M only
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